Situated among the vast green fields and sylvan surroundings, the concrete and mortar of the hostel of Bhartiya COnvent School
speaks of innovation, novelty, activities and commitment. Every brick and every leaf encourages the students to become self
dependent by learning to live, by being a leader and shaping his own destiny. There are separate blocks for accommodating
boys and girls where they are nurtured and groomed as per their aptitude and talents. Each block is under the supervision of
house parents with the main house master in-charge.
Boarding House
“A HOME AWAY FROM HOME” The hostel of Bhartiya Convent School was started for the tranquil and serene lush
green surroundings. It has been designed more like cosy home housing families than traditional boarding houses and is surely
a home away from home for the boarders. This hostel comprises of three residential blocks for students .Each boarding house has
an experienced House Master/Mistress with Hostel Attendants who provides personalised care and help students nurture and groom
in the best possible way.
House Facilities
Bhartiya Convent School Hostel provides one with numerous facilities ranging from academic help to fun filled activities, games
and sports, library, audio visual aids, laundry services, gymnasium, tours and excursion etc. The common room of the hostel is
the favourite place for students where they can have access to enriching movies, talent shows, and heart throbbing matches between
different teams of the world. Students are provided warm water during winter season with the use of solar energy.